How to solve the 3D printing model does not stick to the hot bed?

April 10,2023

If you’ve ever encountered issues with your 3D prints not sticking to the print bed, you know how frustrating it can be. However, there are several steps you can take to solve this problem and ensure successful prints every time. In this blog, we’ll go over some solutions to help you get your prints to stick to the print bed.

  • Clean your print bed: Before starting a print, it’s essential to make sure your print bed is clean. Oils, dirt, and dust can all affect adhesion, so it’s essential to remove any debris with isopropyl alcohol or a similar cleaning solution.
  • Use a glue stick or hairspray: Adding a layer of glue stick or hairspray to the print bed can increase adhesion. Simply apply a thin layer to the print bed before starting your print. Be sure not to use too much, or you could end up with a print that is difficult to remove.
  • Adjust your print bed level: If your print bed is not level, it can cause adhesion issues. Make sure your print bed is level by using a level tool and adjusting the bed’s screws as necessary.
  • Increase bed temperature: Sometimes, increasing the bed temperature can help with adhesion. Many 3D printers allow you to adjust the bed temperature manually. Try increasing the temperature by a few degrees and see if it helps.
  • Use a textured print surface: If all else fails, consider using a textured print surface, such as BuildTak or PEI sheets. These surfaces provide a textured surface that allows for better adhesion and can help prevent warping.

In conclusion, there are several steps you can take to solve adhesion issues when 3D printing. By cleaning your print bed, adjusting your print bed level, increasing the bed temperature, or using a textured print surface, you can increase the chances of your prints sticking to the print bed and improving print quality. Don’t give up if your prints aren’t sticking – try some of these solutions, and you’ll be on your way to successful 3D printing.